2020 Leadership Training Programs Effectiveness (Mid-term Assessment)

1. How do you rate the 3 Denselight leadership trainings you have attended so far:

Most UsefulUsefulLeast Useful
a. Denselight Supervisor 101 Course
b. Building Commitment to Results.
c. Building Team Pride & Purpose.

2. Why did you rate either a. or b. or c. course MOST useful?

3. What skills did you apply from the above MOST useful course that you selected?

4. Why did you rate either a. or b. or c. course the LEAST useful?

5. Chose only 2 of the below leadership sub-skills you wish to develop further:

If other, please specify:

6. If Denselight were to proceed with the remaining leadership training, please rank in order which of the below courses you like to attend 1st, 2nd, 3rd:

Most Needed Now Needed in FutureNeeded Least
Solve Problems & Make Decisions at Supervisory Level
Making Collaborative Decisions
Giving Needs Based feedback